2012 COSUGI Consortia SIG meeting agenda

2012 COSUGI Consortia SIG Meeting Agenda November 1-2, 2012

Holiday Inn Metro Detroit Airport, Edison B Conference Room

THURSDAY morning
9-9:30am Registration and continental breakfast. 9:30-9:45am Welcome, introductions, and announcements.
9:45-10:50am SirsiDynix – “The good, the bad, and the can we get an enhancement for that?” – how the Consortia SIG can impact SD leadership in order
to benefit both Horizon and Symphony users. We will be developing a list of compliments, concerns, and questions for SirsiDynix.
10:50-11am Break time.
11:00-Noon Resume issues review. Noon-1pm Lunch

THURSDAY afternoon
1:00-1:50pm eResources in a Consortium – a discussion of how eResources are being integrated into our ILS, how we are managing these resources, and best practices. Moderated by Carol Dawe.
1:50-2:40pm What else are we integrating with our ILS? – Debby Conrad will talk about her experience with implementing SirsiDynix’s SMS feature at SAILS. Others are encouraged to talk about add-on products that they are currently using with their ILS. Moderated by Karen Boehning.
2:40-2:50pm Break time.
2:50-3:40pm Holds Management Strategies for Consortia – Horizon and Symphony users will discuss strategies for trying to keep resource sharing “balanced” in a consortial setting using the ILS and other methods. (This session may be split into a Horizon and Symphony user’s discussion). Moderated by Richard Shurman.
3:40-4:00pm Annual Consortia “Placemat” surveys. Karla and Karen review the results of the annual survey of SirsiDynix consortia.
4:00-4:45pm Consortia sharing – challenges, successes, and struggles. 4:45-5:00pm Closing remarks and scheduling of 2013 meeting.

THURSDAY evening
6:00-8:00pm FaaS: Food as a Service. SirsiDynix hosted food and beverages at the hotel.

FRIDAY morning
8:30-9am Continental breakfast.
9-10:20am Sharing of issues and dialog with SirsiDynix staff. Berit Nelson, VP Library Relations ; others TBD (probably Scott Wheelhouse, VP Global Support, and one other executive). This is our opportunity to discuss our list of comments and questions for SirsiDynix that was created by the group on Thursday in the “good, bad, and can we get an enhancement?” portion of the day.
10:20-10:30am Break time.
10:30-Noon SirsiDynix presentation. SD will be talking about eResource Central, Analytics Station, and the Web Client, as well as the usual Roadmap and changes since COSUGI.

12:00-1:30pm Boxed lunches are available for attendees. Lunch is boxed “to-go” for those who need to catch flights, or serves as another networking opportunity for those of us who stick around.