2015 COSUGI Consortia SIG meeting agenda

2015 COSUGI Consortia SIG Meeting Agenda
October 22-23, 2015
Braintree, MA

THURSDAY morning
9-9:30am Registration and continental breakfast.
9:30-9:45am Welcome, introductions, and announcements.
9:45-10:50am SirsiDynix – “The good, the bad, and the can we get an enhancement
for that?” – how the Consortia SIG can impact SD leadership in order to benefit both Horizon and Symphony users. We will be developing a list of compliments, concerns, and questions for SirsiDynix.
10:50-11am Break time.
11:00-Noon Resume issues review.
Noon-1pm Lunch

THURSDAY afternoon
1:00-2:00pm Analytics Station (demo/discussion/how are you using it). – Moderated by Kendal Orrison
2:00-3:00 Customization of Enterprise/ERC – Moderated by Joel Hahn. How have you customized the look/feel of the product?
3:00-315 break time
3:15-3:45 – Roundtable discussion: What Bluecloud products are you actually using and how are you using them (Bluecloud Cataloging, PAC etc.)
3:45-4:10 Annual Consortia “Placemat” surveys. Karla reviews the results of the annual survey of SirsiDynix consortia.
4:10-4:50pm Consortia sharing – challenges, successes, and struggles.
4:50-5:00pm Closing remarks and location/scheduling of 2016 meeting.

THURSDAY evening
6:00-8:00pm FaaS: Food as a Service. SirsiDynix hosted food and beverages.

FRIDAY morning
8:30-9:00am Continental breakfast.
9:05-10:10am Sharing of issues and dialog with SirsiDynix staff: Berit Nelson, VP of Library Relations, Sheridan Richey, VP Software Development, Lisa Witteman, Senior Library Relations Manager et al. This is our opportunity to discuss our list of comments and questions for SirsiDynix that was created by the group on Thursday in the “good, bad, and can we get an enhancement?” portion of the day.
10:10-10:20am Break time.
10:20-12:30 SirsiDynix presentation: Symphony 3.6 and beyond / Where is the BLUECloud headed?
12:30-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-2:30 Cash Management and Online Payments – Presenter: TBD – How are you accepting payments in your consortia? Are you using any new Cash Management features and reports?
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-3:45 MobileCirc Discussion and troubleshooting tips – Moderated by Hilary Prisbylla.
3:45 and beyond: Happy Friday!